Impossible Cure Newsletter -- Aug/Sept 2017


Proceed With Caution

While I had intended to send out an August newsletter, I decided to relax and enjoy my summer vacation in Canada instead. But it's nearly Fall here in California and I'm back in the saddle again.

As many of you know, in addition to my blog (which, for the most part, features articles from this newsletter and my Active Consciousness Newsletter), I also write the "Ask Amy" blog, which contains answers to questions people have asked me. This month, I thought I'd share with you my answer to a mother who asked me two questions:

Should she follow her gut intuition about what remedy her child needs and treat him herself?

What do I think about giving multiple remedies?

In both cases, my answer is equivocal and advises caution. Click here to read the article..


"Just One Drop" is here!

For many years, the Impossible Cure Newsletter has talked about a movie-in-the-making about homeopathy -- "Just One Drop." Laurel Chiten, the award-winning filmmaker of "Just One Drop", has poured her heart and soul into this project for over 10 years.

Well, the time is now! The film has been premiering world-wide for months now, to rave reviews, and showings are now being scheduled in the USA too. My son Izaak attended the sold-out premiere in Sydney, Australia in July and said it really was great! He felt that it could change people's minds about homeopathy and convince them to give it a fair go. I myself will be attending a showing at the Marin Film Festival in October.

Please support this excellent movie and make your plans today to attend a showing -- or sponsor one in your city. Get your tickets today!


Another Excerpt from Dr. Richard Moskowitz's New Book on Vaccination -- On Sale This Month!

Boston homeopath and family medicine doctor, Richard Moskowitz, MD, has always been an important writer in the area of health, homeopathy, and vaccination. His new book, Vaccines: A Reappraisal will be released September 19 on Amazon. Happily, in advance of the book release, he has been sharing a series of book excerpts with the homeopathic community. I have asked and been granted his permission to share them with you too. Enjoy!

From Chapter 6: Brain Damage.

"The 'smoking gun' of autoimmune brain and central nervous system damage attributable to vaccines encompasses the entire spectrum of neurological impairment in children. Although we don't know and haven't even asked how many of these cases are vaccine-related, 1 in 6 American children show learning and developmental disabilities; 1 in 10 have ADD and ADHD; and 1 in 45 are autistic, for a total of 28.9% of all United States children and adolescents alive today who suffer from some form of brain damage. Since nearly every child is multiply vaccinated, and every vaccine can produce brain damage in susceptible children, it is imperative to determine how many of these cases are vaccine-related and autoimmune in nature.

In the 1970's, Prof. Gordon Stewart was asking the same moral question that we should all be asking today, whether we will tolerate even a small number of dead and brain-damaged children, knowing in advance that a particular vaccine or vaccines will be responsible for them, that the risk is greater than that of the natural disease, and that they are wholly preventable by not vaccinating.

In 1995, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a British gastroenterologist, found that adults who had received the MMR vaccine as infants were three times more likely to develop Crohn's disease later in life, and twice more likely to develop ulcerative colitis, than matched controls who had not.

Although this shocking finding was hardly noticed, its effect on Wakefield himself was life-changing; a later study caused him and several colleagues to lose their jobs and licenses to practice. Eight children who developed autism or brain damage after an MMR shot were referred to his clinic with symptoms of enterocolitis: intestinal biopsies showed lymphoid hyperplasia like that of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, with specific antibodies against measles, but not mumps or rubella.

Between 1983 and 2014 the incidence of autism has risen 40-fold, from 1 in 2000 to 1 in 45, an increase that the CDC has never explained or even shown much interest in, dismissing it as an artifact of more frequent and accurate diagnosis, and remaining mum about the fact that more than 2% of all children born in the US today suffer from this major autoimmune, neurodevelopmental disability, and will require intensive medical, psychological, and educational assistance throughout their lives, a crisis that demands just the sort of comprehensive investigation that the CDC has never seen fit to undertake.

The total incidence of neurodevelopmental injury and disability is of course much higher, since "Autism Spectrum Disorder" is only an important subset of the various kinds of brain damage that pediatricians and family physicians see on a daily basis. If vaccines are causally linked to autism, as a growing body of research clearly indicates, it is only reasonable to suspect that they will be linked to ADD, ADHD, learning disabilities, and the rest as well, a conclusion that my own clinical experience and that of many other pediatricians strongly supports.

As whistleblowers have recently attested, the CDC and vaccine manufacturers knew for decades that vaccines cause autism, but literally conspired to hide the evidence. The studies cited to deny such a link were also fraudulent, having been commissioned by the agency for the sole purpose of misleading the medical community and the public."


Happy (Jewish) New Year!


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Don't forget to visit Amy's book websites:

Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy --

Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within --

and her blogs:
